Anita's Riverfront Grille
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Little Bar Beer in Marine City

April 1, 2014

Little Beer Little Beer with S&P


The story of the Little Bar Beer in Marine City…. now being told & sold for your enjoyment at Anita’s Riverfront Grille in Marine City, Michigan.  Anyway back to the story…

You know the little beers served in a shot glass made of some magical elixir that taste like a full grow beer.  Come to find out it was invented by a group of defectors from Ireland. You see centuries ago there were a few jovial fellows who got carried away on a night out and were remiss in their duties for the national holiday which happen to be the very next day.  Can you imagine waking up and realizing you have missed the biggest holiday?   By the time they woke up the streets were littered with all the remnants of a good party… except the people.  Where did they all go?  How could they have done it???  All the noise, the cheers, the toast, the music, dancing and festivities… and yet nothing, they missed it?  They slept straight through the party?  The boys were devastated.  They had waited all year and now it had passed without even a dance or that perfectly poured beverage.  They were to be leaders that fine day.  They were looked up to in the community until the dreaded day they slept straight through the holiday of all holidays.  Then things turned.

Their friends did not let them hear the end of it.  The constant ribbing and the embarrassment finally got the best of them and drove them to foreign soil.  You know what they say… someone’s loss is someone else’s gain!  They landed on US soil and vowed to never make the same mistake twice.  That was it, from that day on they would never miss this great holiday.  Now their heritage would not preclude them from partaking in a finely poured beverage so they had to modify their behavior.

You see these jovial fellows were leprechauns from the mother land, Ireland, and you guessed it… the Holiday of all Holidays was St. Patricks’ Day.  Their pact to never make the same mistake twice put a damper on their social life, so out of necessity the Little Bar Beer in Marine City is the Little Bar Beer they drank from that day forward.  The Little Bar Beer in Marine City is their remedy to never over indulging and missing the great holiday.

So we invite you to enjoy one of the Little Bar Beers in Marine City to symbolize:  a new beginning, a fresh start, and to those times past we may have had a similar story to tell.  Thank goodness those leprechauns made the Little Bar Beers in Marine City… now if we could only find their brewery.  Next time your at a Little Bar Beer in Marine City ask your server for one of those little ones… they will know what you mean.  As always, learn from others and please drink responsibly.

Thanks for thinking of






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